If you are like us, then you have a list of New Year resolutions as long as your arm! But just because we make them, doesn’t mean we always keep them.
Did you know that more than 70% of resolutions are broken by the end of January? Yep – neither did we until we looked it up. That is a lot of broken resolutions and promises to yourself. Well, at Bags of Love, we want to help you on your path to resolution success (and, who are we kidding, we want to push ourselves too!) One of the best ways to motivate yourself to stay focused in achieving your resolution is to write it down somewhere, where you can see it every day.
Sure, you can write it down on a post-it and stick it up on your mirror, just like they do in pretty much every rom-com ever made, or, you can do something a little different. Something, which will not only display your resolution but will also help give you the determination to make it happen.
How to set New Year resolutions and keep them
Despite our best intentions, it can be very easy to let those resolutions slip by the way side. When asking around at Bags of Love HQ, it became clear that a lot of folk simply forget what their resolutions are and they break them before they remember what they were supposed to be doing – or not doing. We therefore came up with a plan, to make sure that our resolutions could be visible in our everyday lives, to ensure that we are always reminded of them. Photo gifts and personalised gifts are the best way to make this happen. It isn’t just photos or artwork you can upload onto a Bags of Love photo gift, but text too.
Create photo gifts featuring your New Year resolutions
From inspirational quotes to motivating you to achieve your 2017 goals, check out these fun (and easy) ways to make your 2017 New Year resolutions come to life – and inspire you to make them happen!
1. Create a Personalised Calendar with your resolutions
A calendar is a brilliant way to keep organised and stay motivated! With a 12 month personalised calendar, you can create a design and a resolution for every month of the year! Why not set goals for yourself by filling in your calendar and setting targets for yourself, to achieve your resolution? You can cross each one off as you go, which is oh so satisfying to do! By seeing what you have already achieved will give you a wonderful sense of fulfilment and give you the fire you need to crack on with your next goal!
2. Design motivational canvas art
Canvas art not only looks stunning but it takes just a tiny bit of effort to create your very own Personalised Wall Canvas. Choose from small to huge sizes and design canvas art with a motivational image, photo or design and your New Year resolution printed on it. Hang your canvas art in your bedroom (if your resolution is to take more time out) in your lounge (if your resolution is to pursue a new hobby) or in the kitchen (if your resolution is to cut down a bit on the old food front…we’ve all been there). Or pop it anywhere you want! As long as you can see it daily, this great (and stylish) motivational tool will really help you stick to your guns.
3. Make inspirational workout gear to get your butt to the gym
It is always one of the top New Year resolutions, every year! Get into shape. Workout. Exercise more. Lose weight. If any of these are ringing true with you, then we feel your pain! But, oh. The effort to drag yourself to the gym, push yourself to jog in the freezing cold or swap that KitKat for an apple. If you want to kick yourself into gear, then personalised workout clothes are a great way to give you the motivation you need. Design a pair of our Personalised Leggings with your resolution printed all over them. By wearing these and seeing your healthy resolution written down, on you, your determination to succeed and push yourself will go full throttle!
4. Keep a resolution’s journal and design it yourself
Instead of just letting your resolutions fall by the wayside, because you forget about them or you put them off till the next day…and the next…why not create your own, personalised resolution journal? Create a design for the front, which will inspire you to carry on and then fill your journal with every one of your resolutions and how you hope to achieve them. You can then make notes, set yourself goals and create diary entries on your thoughts and achievements. This is a great way to motivate yourself and keep you on track. You can take your journal with you everywhere, so you can fill it in on the go.
5. Design inspirational posters to fuel your fire
Whether you work from home or in an office, sometimes you really need that extra push to make you go for what you want. To make you go for gold, why not create inspirational posters to put up around the home or workplace? You can make a design focused directly on your New Year resolution (or resolutions) or maybe a quote, which you find really motivates you. You can add photos or other images and maybe a personalised message to make sure it sinks in. Keep it stylish and in keeping with your decor environment, to make sure if looks great and stands out.
6. Remember to have fun with it
Who says resolutions have to be hard work? If you push yourself too much and put too much pressure on yourself, then you are more likely to drop your resolution, because it starts to become a chore as opposed to a goal for yourself. Why do New Year resolutions fail? We set goals for ourselves that are difficult to keep. Yes, that is part of the challenge BUT a resolution should be something you genuinely want to achieve and something which you believe will bring you (and others) long term happiness. It shouldn’t be something, which will cause you so much grief to achieve that you eventually just drop it all together.
How to achieve your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t wait until January 1st. If you know what you want, start planning for it way before New Year’s Day, so that way, you already have a great head start. Opt for simpler goals and remember that every one achieved is a victory and then just build them up. Self-discipline and determination in themselves are great resolutions.
Just remember not to let them take over your life too much. Sit back, take pleasure in your achievements and have a glass of prosecco to toast yourself – unless your resolution was to quit drinking, in which case, have a cup of tea instead. Cheers!