In a modern world of computer games, electronics and what-not, there are few things as satisfying as making your very own low-tech things that will get plenty of use. Check out these super-cool kids toys that you can make yourself at home with fabric. Each has its own step-by-step tutorial, and are bound to go down a treat with your little ones.
1. Pirate Hat
Compact, tons of fun, and a perfectly great excuse to run around shouting “ARRRRRRRRRR” like a pirate. This pirate hat tutorial and pattern is simple and a great way to get started on both toy crafting and a fancy dress collection.
2. Superhero Mask
Continuing down the dress-up vein, this superhero mask is simple to make, and can be adapted to any colours you like. What’s more, thanks to Marvel, DC and others, superheroes are totally ‘in’ right now.

3. Superhero Cape
What is a superhero mask without a cape? Half a costume – that’s what! This easy-to-make superhero cape is the perfect piece to complement your homemade mask, and you can even coordinate the colours to make as many fancy-dress outfits as you like.
4. Superhero Toys
While we are on the (oh-so-cool) subject of superheroes, why not create your own superhero toy to go with your all-new superhero costume? You could even make a sidekick instead… so many superheroes have sidekicks, why should your child be any different?
5. Dinosaur Tails
Few things are more awesome than superheroes, but we reckon that dinosaurs are pretty far up there. This dinosaur tail tutorial will help you turn your little monster into a little dino.
6. Hedgehog Toys
This super-cute hedgehog toy is extremely tactile and that’s one of the reasons we’re in love with it. Check out this simple tutorial on how to make your own and enjoy all the different textures for yourself.
7. Denim Whale Toys
The great thing about denim is that it’s so hard-wearing. This DIY denim whale makes for a super-durable, super-cute toy that you can make yourself.
8. Baby Blanket Bunny Toys
We love these cute little bunnies, and better yet, you can make them from the blankets that your babies loved in their early days, to create a cool toy for their toddler years.
9. Crayon Holder
We’ve definitely stood on crayons and heard that disheartening snap before. We’ve also seen how the broken crayon can basically be the end of the world to your little one! This crafty crayon holder will keep them all together and not under your feet.
10. Tic Tac Toe Game
If your littlies are getting less little, then you might want to consider making them their very own game. This on-the-go-tic-tac-toe is a great place to start, and no little scraps of paper either as it’s totally reusable.
11. Magnetic Fishing Game
This magnetic fishing game is a step up in the game-difficulty scale and will help your wee ones improve on their dexterity as well as hand-eye coordination. Check out the video (or written) tutorial to see how to make yours.
12. Indoor Bowling Toy Set
To wonderfully round off our actual-game DIY toys, why not make your own indoor bowling set. A little trickier than the other games but great for hand-eye coordination as well as improving your child’s aim.
Make Your Own Toys with Your Own Fabric
When making your own DIY kids toys, why not use your very own fabric designs too? You can create your very own fabrics for your next sewing projects and make your homemade toys even more special.