Design your photo book in four pages at a time
It is printed in folios, meaning one sheet of paper makes four pages. If you were to only fill in 35 pages, that would make the folios partially incomplete with some blank pages at the end of the book. These can be used as note pages, but otherwise, plan to fill the pages in either 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, or 40.
Every aspect of your square photobook is personalised by you, so design the covers and all the pages inside. It's very much a blank canvas for you to unleash your creativity. If you're a designer and want to display your fashion or product line professionally, this is perfect as you can include photos, text, icons and patterns. The front cover can be stylishly simplistic, featuring your logo and signature and leaving much to the imagination.
You can create your own square photobook to gift a loved one. Filled with memories, stories and old photographs, this is a sentimental keepsake that will last a lifetime. Create photo collages or even lay your pages out to resemble a scrapbook to give it that homemade touch.
The square photobook is the ideal shape and size for a catalogue, brochure or recipe book. As a completely unique gift, get together all the classic family recipes and create your own food book, ideal for passing down the generations and keeping dishes alive.